So if you want to mod a weapon there are a few key areas you will need to know.
You have four mods that you can add to a weapon in Defiance and these are:
In order to mod a weapon you first have to check if the weapon has a mod slot. Some come with mod slots and others don’t. This is something to bear in mind at the beginning as you upgrade to “greens” which is better gear but some of the weapons will not have mod slots.
As an example you might have a weapon that has mod slots for stock and barrel only.
When you have a mod for barrel in this example you would place it into the mod slot, the barrel one and it would appear filled. You will also be able to see the effects of the mod beside it in the way of ratings.
So when you mod your weapon another thing to bear in mind is what you want it to do. You might be going for less recoil or more power.
To see if a mod will work with your weapons you need to check out the mod itself.
You will find that specific mods can only be used with certain classes of weapons.
Assuming you have a mod you want to place on one of your weapons you hit ‘L’ to bring up the loadouts screen, and then click on the Salvage Matrix tab.
Next you select the item you want to mod; in this case it is one of your weapons.
Once you have done that you pick the slot on the weapon you want to modify.
You then repeat depending on how many mod slots there are and how many mods you are using with the weapon.
So that is how you mod a weapon in Defiance.
If you have a lot of weapon mods and you know that you will not use them don’t just leave them sitting there.